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A thinker of a feeler? I am a thinker. I judge everything based on logic. I say whatever pops into my mind but never think about the emotional reaction of the person I’m talking to. I make decisions through logic, rather than emotions or intuition. That’s why I enjoy reading, writing and exploring new intellectual possibilities. I distrust overly emotional or sentimental people and always strive first and foremost to be fair. I’m willing to put my personal opinions aside in pursuit of fairness and justice. I see the world as a reasonable and logical place, with clear norms and values.

I don’t rely on public opinion because some of the popular views and opinions can be wrong and be flawed. They will look for something that makes them feel better. They don’t always want to hear the truth and they rather let down easily and tell what they want to hear.

Rather be a queen or a princess?

None of them. I will rather be myself. Being 80 years old of me is better than being a queen or princess. Queen and princess should listen to the king, follow the protocols. They need to ask someone’s permission before doing something. They can’t be whoever they want.

Great love but to live from hand to mouth?

No. I would prefer to choose someone who can actually take care of me. Love and money. If someone only has love to offer, do you think you can buy anything you want? Always get the greatest food? Can hang out with your friends? Travel all around the world? No. Be realistic.

A man should treat a woman based on what she wants, a woman should treat a man based on what she wants.

Do you see how freaked up the society mind is? I would say both genders should be treated equally. If I read on Twitter about their opinions on how women want to be treated, I can say all of their opinions are based on what they want to hear.

Refer to this:

My unpopular opinion: Whatever that woman said in her videos, it’s a valid point. Why? No one wants to marry just to feel lonely. It’s normal if a man or a woman has lust. That’s why in Islam a man can marry with women, and a woman can marry a man.  Some of you feel really disgusted if a husband wants to be treated like a husband, but not some of you feel disgusted if a woman wants to be treated like a wife. Everybody wants love. If a wife doesn’t give her attention to her husband, nobody gives a shit. But, if a husband doesn’t give his attention, everyone will against him. Lol. Just choose someone who is educated enough and has some common sense to think rational.

P/s: Cheating is still unethical behaviour. Whatever happened in your relationship, never cheat. If a partner can’t satisfy your needs, please leave. If your man can’t treat you nicely, please leave. If your girl can’t treat you nicely, please leave. Whoever cheats in a relationship, deserves nothing.